The GOP launched a blitz of door-knocking and phone-banking events over the weekend as Sunday marked the 100-day mark from the 2022 midterm elections. Overall, volunteers and staffers with the Republican National Committee have made 40 million voter contacts – voters contacted via phone-banking or door-knocking – so far this election cycle.

In Iowa, Republicans organized over 20 volunteer door-launch events, including one in Altoona with IA-03 congressional candidate Zach Nunn. After speaking with volunteers who gathered at an Altoona park, Nunn went out door-knocking himself, even bringing his children along to help out.

The RNC has made a permanent, data-driven investment in battleground states such as Iowa to help Nunn and other Republicans up and down the ballot cross the finish line in November. In addition, RNC officials have stressed the importance of their grassroots-powered ground game infrastructure.

“Fired up and engaged with their communities, Republicans are putting an end to the Democrats’ recklessness – one door knock and phone call at a time,” RNC spokesman Kush Desai said in a press release.

With President Joe Biden’s record low polling and mishandling of issues ranging from historic inflation to a baby formula shortage to his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, Republicans are finding a groundswell of grassroots support: the 40 million voter contacts that the RNC has made thus in 2022 election cycle represents 14 million more voter contacts than what it had made by this point ahead of the 2018 midterm elections.

With Democrats holding onto razor-thin majorities in the U.S. House and Senate, Republican volunteers could be a key factor behind who controls Congress after November.