It’s been a minute, but what better time to dust off the site than with a 2023 state fundraising roundup. 

The numbers don’t lie: Gov. Reynolds still reigns supreme with her campaign hauling in $1,386,505. To put that in perspective, especially for those doubting Reynolds’ dominance or political future, she raised as much as every single statewide executive official combined… times two. 

  • Paul Pate: $1,000
  • Roby Smith: $10,000
  • Mike Naig: $64,664
  • Brenna Bird: $192,739
  • Rob Sand: $322,474

Reynolds’s fundraising haul breaks the record for the most raised the year following a Gubernatorial election in Iowa. The previous record, which she held, was $1,320,718 from Jan 1 – Dec 31 2019. 

The Governor’s campaign currently has $1,674,316 cash-on-hand. Compared to this same time in her first term, Reynolds had $871,083. No statewide official comes close to those numbers in 2023: 

  • Brenna Bird: $106,109
  • Mike Naig: $97,911
  • Rob Sand: $52,200
  • Paul Pate: $19,717
  • Roby Smith: $14,110

And to put a finer point on things, no other Governor has come even close to this record: 

  • Culver: $100,773
  • Branstad: $163,857 & $725,627

Sand’s cash-on-hand number is also interesting—because it’s so low. The state auditor burned through almost all the money he raised, presumably because his fundraising numbers came from digital advertising, which costs about as much or more than he brought in. Great work from Mr. Efficiency. Then again, does it really matter? We all know he’ll just load up eventually with family checks—as one does. 

Pivoting to the Legislative branch: Republican leaders are continuing to show their dominance over the (super) minorities.

  • Jack Whitver: $467,825
  • Pat Grassley: $427,960
  • Amy Sinclair: $212,835
  • Jennifer Konfrst: $192,663
  • Matt Windschitl: $180,814
  • Pam Jochum: $92,349

After the 2022 elections, there are historic majorities in both the Iowa House and Iowa Senate. That means 2024 will be a make or break year for House Minority Leader Jennifer Konfrst, who has never gained a seat since becoming leader of House Democrats—having a net loss of 6 seats.