Wednesday, the American Action Network (AAN)– a conservative-leaning issue advocacy organization, announced a 2 million dollar TV and digital advertising buy across five congressional districts. The ads call on Congress to halt plans for new inflation fueling government spending, push for more domestic energy production.

AAN notes that $325,000 of the Buy will be spent in Iowa’s fourth district, where Democrat Rep. Cindy Axne is seeking re-election.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis posted this morning that the U.S. economy contracted for the second-straight quarter. US GDP fell by 0.9% in the second quarter of 2022, meeting a commonly accepted definition of a recession. The news comes after President Joe Biden has insisted for weeks the United States was not at risk of entering a recession.

In a statement to the press, AAN noted that congress must act to help Americans who are feeling the pain of high prices.

“Families are being forced to choose between putting food on the table or filling their tank as Biden’s reckless agenda has made everything more expensive than ever,” said AAN President Dan Conston. “Congress can and should act now to stop the disastrous policies that are making life less affordable for working Americans.”

Despite the current state of the economy, the failed withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, and the humanitarian crisis at the sue Mexico border, Axne has defended Biden’s administration. The Cook Political Report