President Joe Biden and Rep. Cindy Axne attended a virtual fundraiser on Wednesday evening, with just over a week-and-a-half until the midterm elections.

During the virtual fundraiser, Biden and Axne showered praise on each other. Axne even asserted that Biden is “the most impactful president we’ve seen in this country’s history.”

Axne went on to discuss how Biden deserves credit for bringing “our kids back in schools” and for “keeping money in people’s pockets.” Both points were mocked in a press release from a Republican National Committee spokesman.

“The last person who deserves any credit for putting America’s kids back in school is Biden,” the spokesman said. “Reminder: the head of one of the largest teacher’s unions in the country, Randi Weingarten, has openly boasted that the Biden administration asked for her (pro-school closure) union’s ‘language’ for the CDC’s school re-opening guidance.”

Addressing Axne’s statement about Biden “keeping money in people’s pockets,” the RNC press release blasted the claim as “just egregious,” noting how historic inflation due to the Biden agenda’s spending – namely the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, which Axne also voted for, that economists have widely panned for fueling inflation – cost the average Iowa household over $670 last month according to a U.S. Senate Joint Economic Committee estimate.

Axne’s relationship with Biden, who is deeply unpopular in Iowa, has been a constant source of political controversy for the vulnerable Democrat. During an “Iowa Press” interview last year, Axne praised Biden as a “great president” and invited him to come campaign with her in Iowa, which he did later in April. She’s also voted 100 percent of the time in line with the Biden administration’s legislative priorities, most notably for the “Inflation Reduction Act,” inviting significant blowback due to the bill’s negligible effects on inflation and the bill’s provisions to fund 87,000 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents and increase marginal tax rates across the board.