Iowans have a healthy skepticism of elected officials, but in her first term in Congress Rep. Ashley Hinson is setting herself apart. By remaining deeply embedded in the community and remaining available to her constituents, she is a powerful voice for Iowa families and businesses with an admirable focus on removing the barriers we face as a country.

Last year, voters in Iowa’s 1st Congressional District made it clear that they wanted a representative who is focused on nonpartisan solutions that make it easier for Americans to achieve their version of the American Dream.

Through her professional experience and as a mother of two boys, Hinson knows how to adapt, prioritize, solve problems, and make difficult decisions – even when it’s not the popular thing to do – all while displaying resilience. Those same leadership skills are desperately needed in Washington.

Hinson has demonstrated during her tenure that through a nonpartisan approach to some of our countries’ most pressing challenges, she is able to break through the noise and emerge as a policy champion.

As politicians and special interests have concocted partisan wish lists with price tags in the trillions, Hinson has clung to the knowledge of what it takes to balance a budget and uses those skills to hold her colleagues in Congress accountable. She demands that when making decisions concerning spending that the government — just as families across the U.S. must do — spend within their means focusing on only the necessities.

This paves the way for lower taxes, so that Iowans can keep more of their hard-earned money and take care of what matters most to them.

On health care issues, she has a track record of taking the right approach for Iowans by empowering individuals to make personal medical decisions rather than government bureaucrats. Thus, ensuring that her constituents can access the quality care they need at an affordable rate.

Hinson has also exhibited bipartisan leadership on public safety.

Congresswoman Ashley Hinson (IA-01)

As an example, Hinson has built relationships across the aisle that have led to diverse and powerful coalitions to drive criminal justice reforms that balance meaningful justice with second chances and restoration. This approach enhances public safety by allowing formerly incarcerated individuals who have paid their debts to re-enter society, secure a stable job and provide for their families, and contribute to their communities.

The leadership Rep. Hinson has shown during her short time in Washington is already paying dividends to families across Iowa, but her legislative accomplishments in Des Moines further prove her ability to do even more to change the status quo for the better.

Americans for Prosperity Action endorses candidates who champion people over politics. We believe in electing leaders who are committed to bringing people together to improve the lives of all Americans. And we support policymakers who take a nonpartisan approach to tackling some of our nation’s biggest problems, and who are willing to take political risks to lead our country forward.

Hinson has fought hard to ensure that each of her constituents can improve their lives and reach their full potential. That’s why I encourage Iowans to re-elect her to Congress so that she can continue to make the Hawkeye State the best place to live, work and raise a family.

Representative Ashley Hinson is a leader Iowans can trust.

Drew Klein is a Senior Advisor to Americans for Prosperity Action for the state of Iowa.