Just in time for Labor Day Weekend, here are the newest political ads you need to see.

First up – Iowa’s U.S. Senate Race

From the release:

“We think Iowans will be shocked as they learn more about Mike Franken’s radical views and low opinion of Iowa,” Grassley Works Communications Director Michaela Sundermann said. “No one seeking to represent Iowa has ever been this disrespectful toward the state and its people. We expect Iowa Democrats will soon experience buyer’s remorse as they learn more about their unvetted nominee. His views about Iowans are disqualifying.”


Announcer: “Mike Franken’s Iowa.”

Franken “What I see in rural Iowa is a forlornness in the eyes, an emptiness which I see in South Sudan … mostly in women who just look void.”

Franken “It’s not the state that I want for the future generations. It’s not the state I want to be buried in.”

Franken “We can do this, rescue the state of Iowa. Rescue our reputation.”

Announcer: “Who does this guy think he is”


Next – The Third Congressional 

From the release:

“Zach Nunn stepped up to help rescue Americans and our allies following Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Cindy Axne tried to help Biden cover up his disastrous withdrawal that left 13 U.S. service members dead. The choice is clear.” ­- Spokesman Mike Berg


Voiceover: “Afghanistan August 2021, Americans have risk. Biden absent. Combat veteran Zach Nunn assembled task force Argo. A team of veterans tasked with rescuing Americans and allies that Biden forgot.
Nunn’s leadership saves over 2,000 lives. Cindy Axne defends Biden “

Axne: “our efforts to get Americans and allies out of Afghanistan were very effective”

Voiceover: “Leader or Lackey? The choice for Congress is clear.”