A new poll, first obtained by Iowa Field Report, shows next Tuesday’s Iowa Democratic senate primary to be a must watch event as voters decide who will take on Senator Joni Ernst in November.

The poll, conducted by Advantage, Inc. between May 21-22, of 312 Iowa Democrat primary voters showed a dead-heat between Theresa Greenfield, Kimberly Graham, and Michael Franken as this primary race comes to a close.

With the help of more than $7 million of outside support, Greenfield maintains a lead in the poll with 19 percent of the vote. Close behind, Graham garners 16 percent support, followed by Franken with 15 percent support. Eddie Mauro, who has struggled to gain traction despite investing his own personal wealth into the race, trails with 8 percent support.

If the Democratic primary election were being held today and you had to make a choice, would you vote for:

  • Greenfield 19%
  • Graham 16%
  • Franken 15%
  • Mauro 8%

The new poll also offered a look at some of the attacks to come against the likely Democratic nominee Theresa Greenfield. Throughout the primary, Greenfield has taken pointed criticism from her Democratic rivals for a news report that showed she had evicted Iowa small businesses to make room for a multinational corporation. Despite the criticism, national Democrats including the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and pro-abortion groups like Emily’s List have continued to back her candidacy. When Democratic Iowa primary voters were asked about this news, 62 percent said they were less likely to vote for the Des Moines real estate executive, with only 4 percent saying more likely to support.

Would you be more likely or less likely to support Theresa Greenfield if you knew that Greenfield worked as the President of a large Des Moines real estate development firm, and during her tenure evicted small business tenants and tried to replace them with a multinational non-union chain store?

  • More Likely 4%
  • Less Likely 62%

Democratic Iowa primary voters also cooled on Greenfield when they learned she was a multi-million dollar real-estate developer running a non-union shop.

Would you be more likely or less likely to support Theresa Greenfield if you knew that while Greenfield was an Executive for a multi-million dollar real-estate developer, the company was a non-union shop?

  • More Likely 3%
  • Less Likely 52%

If no candidate receives more than 35 percent of the vote on Tuesday, the race will be decided by a party-convention tiebreaker.

This new poll offers a snapshot into the race to take on Senator Ernst, but as the old saying goes, the only poll that matters is the one on election day.