If you live under a rock it may come as a surprise to know that Election day is only 29 days off. Up for grabs on the ballot will be every seat in the Iowa House and half of the seats in the state senate, plus some local matters and a slew of judges both supreme and appeals. The biggest races are Iowa four congressional races, Iowa US senate Race, and of course – The US Presidency. If you need to catch up past ads, check out www.IowaFieldReport.com

First up – Iowa’s Third District

From the release:

The campaign for Iowa’s Third Congressional District candidate David Young released a new ad titled “Stamp.” The ad highlights how Cindy Axne only serves as a rubber stamp for Speaker Nancy Pelosi – voting with her 95% of the time – which only serves to hurt Iowa.


“Cindy Axne ran on kitchen table issues and putting Iowa first, but her voting record does everything but these,” said Campaign Manager Andy Swanson. “From advocating for repealing tax relief, to supporting a health care plan which would raise taxes and threaten to shut down rural hospitals, when she isn’t using the proxy vote to skip work, Cindy Axne is the wrong voice for this district.”


Cindy Axne gives away our vote to a far-left congressman.
When she bothers to show up, Axne votes 95% for Pelosi’s agenda that hurts Iowa.
Axne and Pelosi are pushing higher taxes on Iowa families, farmers, and small businesses.
Their health care scheme raises taxes $2,800, could cut Medicare benefits, and threatens to shut down rural hospitals.
Craig Esch: Cindy Axne is a rubber stamp for Nancy Pelosi and her agenda.
Mary Kramer: She’s not representing Iowa.


Next – U.S. Senate 

From the release:

Team Joni is launching a new ad featuring Rick, a lifelong Democrat and Vietnam veteran. Rick explains that while he has voted for Democrats his entire life, Theresa Greenfield is “much too liberal” for him.


Rick also points out that Greenfield is in the pocket of the radical left. Between her campaign and outside liberal special interest groups, Greenfield is benefiting from nearly $100 million in spending.


 My entire life, I’ve been a Democrat. I just want nothing to do with them anymore. 

Theresa Greenfield is much too liberal for me. I don’t think Theresa Greenfield is capable of standing up to the radical left because she’s already in their pocket. 

I’m a lifelong Democrat, but I’m voting for Joni Ernst.


Then – Iowa’s Second District

From the release:

Republican congressional candidate Mariannette Miller-Meeks has released a new TV ad that shows the Ottumwa physician and state senator explaining how she will use her health care expertise in Congress to get Iowans safely back to work, and includes her 2013 warning as the then-director of the Iowa Department of Public Health that a pandemic would emerge from another continent.


“This new ad shows that Senator Miller-Meeks has the professional background, foresight and ability we need in a representative to make sure that Congress does its part to end this current pandemic and prevent future ones,” said campaign manager Austin Harris.




Narrator: “Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks”

WHO-TV anchor Dan Winters (2013): “What illness are you worried about striking Iowa next?”

Miller-Meeks (2013): “I think viruses or bacterial infections that emerge from other continents, other countries that we haven’t seen before.”

Miller-Meeks (present day): “That was me 7 years ago. Health care is my profession and solving problems is my life. COVID’s not going away.
We need leaders who innovate, plan ahead, and get Iowans safely back to work.”

BACK UP –  The NRSC has another one for the Senate


As farmers we expect tough times … we always keep climbing, pushing forward.
But we’ve had enough challenges this year … that’s why I can’t support Theresa Greenfield.
She supports the liberal death tax that punishes family farms …
a government-controlled health care plan that could force rural hospitals to close …
and radical environmental regulations that would destroy six million American jobs.
Liberal Theresa Greenfield will hold us back


Wait – One More

From the release:

Combat veteran Joni Ernst (R-Red Oak), is releasing a new television ad that highlights how personal her work is to protect those with pre-existing conditions. Joni’s sister Julie, has type 1 diabetes. The ad dives into Julie’s challenges living with diabetes and Joni’s fight to force insurance companies to cover Iowans with pre-existing conditions.



Julie: “I have diabetes. I’ve had it my entire life. It’s a pre-existing condition. 

“Kids at school would tease me about it, but my sister always had my back. She still does today.”

Joni: “No one messes with my sister – not bullies or insurance companies. 

“I’m Joni Ernst. I approve this message because no American should ever be denied coverage because of a preexisting condition – not in my family or yours.”