Ads so fresh you can still smell the ink on the disclaimer.

The first is from Senator Joni Ernst. In recognition of suicide prevention month, Ernst has released an ad featuring Jill Vrieze. She shares the story of her brother Troy Sand who took his own life. The ad describes Joni’s effort to help improve mental health care services and combat increases in suicide rates.


My brother farmed with my dad. He was the best thing in the world, you know.
My brother had lots of bouts with depression.
I don’t know if he was scared to ask for help.
I think people need to learn to break the silence.
If it wasn’t for Joni Ernst increasing our telehealth and mental health services, we wouldn’t have the support we need.
I think it’s going to save a lot of lives

In the third district, David Young lays into Cindy Axne for giving her vote away in congress to Maryland’s Jamie Raskin. The ad features several Iowan’s expressing their dismay.


Cindy Axne fails to show up to work and gives away our vote to a far-left east coast Congressman – even more liberal than Pelosi.
The idea of giving that vote away… is just not right.
I was astonished.
Here in Iowa, we do our job. Cindy Axne should do hers.
And when Axne happens to show up, she votes with Nancy Pelosi 95% of the time.
Cindy Axne: She works for Pelosi – not Iowa.

The National Republican Senatorial committee has been busy. They dropped two new ads today. Both hitting Greenfield on her campaign being funded by the liberal mob.

Last but not least aggressive, the National Republican Congressional Committee announced an ad going after Democrat Rita Hart. She’s running against State Senator Mariannette Miller-Meeks. Both seeking to replace Dave Loebsack who is retiring.