A new poll focusing on Iowa’s Third Congressional District is bad news for Democrats. The poll, conducted by Remington Research Group, shows Congresswoman Cindy Axne trailing any Republican candidate and President Joe Biden underwater in his approval rating.

Political Environment Summary:

  • Biden is upsidedown in favorability ratings: 46% favorable – 48% unfavorable
  • Biden’s job performance: 46% approve – 48% disapprove
  • Generic Congressional ballot if the election was held today: 48% would vote Republican – 42% would support a Democrat
  • Hypothetical match-up: Democrat Cindy Axne 43% – Any Republican 45%

This survey shows a considerable shift in the environment since the 2020 election. Joe Biden lost the district by 0.02%, while Axne won by 1%. This poll shows she is down by 2%, the GOP leading the generic ballot 6%, and President Biden underwater by 2%

On the policy front, the survey showed that Democrats are fighting for proposals that the vast majority of voters in the district oppose on both taxes and infrastructure. By a 46% margin, voters in the third are against raising the death tax. 59% oppose the idea, while only 13% support it. On the Infrastructure plan that focuses very little on “hard infrastructure” like roads and bridges, nearly 60% say no, with just 19% of those surveyed supportive.

The survey was conducted June 9th – the 11th. 800 likely voters from Iowa’s third district participated. The margin of error is +/- 3.3%.

The responses seen in these data echo what the Des Moines Register released yesterday.

The full polling memo is available below.