Third District Ads Have Varying Levels of Truth

Iowans in the Third Congressional District should get used to political ads for the rest of the election cycle – they are sure to see even more.

This week, Republican Zach Nunn and Democrat Cindy Axne both released new ads.

Nunn’s ad, titled “Uniform,” highlights his military service saying, “In the Air Force, I flew over 700 combat hours and received defense decorations for saving U.S. Forces. The military instills patriotism, courage and service above self. These are the values I’ll bring to Washington… I’m Zach Nunn, I approve this message because I’ll fight for you in Congress just as hard as I fought for you in uniform.” The ad features shots of Nunn in uniform and an airplane hanger.

Axne’s ad, in contrast, is filled with some not-so-truthful claims. In the ad, Axne says, “I’ll go anywhere to fight high prices. I’ll even go against my own party… I’m working across the state – and across the aisle – to bring tax relief to middle-class Iowans.

Since Democrats took complete power in Washington, Axne has not once broken with her party. According to FiveThirtyEight, Axne has voted with Joe Biden 100 percent. That includes votes on the inflation-causing “American Rescue Plan,” Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion “Build Back Better” bill, and the “Inflation Reduction Act” which does not reduce inflation and hires 87,000 new IRS agents.

RNC Spokesperson Kush Desai said, “From falsely taking credit for trying to solve a problem of her own making to flat-out ignoring reality, Cindy Axne must take Iowans for idiots.”

What Axne claims in the new ad isn’t true. It’s ads like these that Iowans will see, and they will see many, in the coming months. When will legacy media organizations begin calling Axne out for distorting her voting record in such an egregious way? Surely they have some vested interest in making sure the public knows what is true and what is false.

“Cindy Axne’s lies must be called out,” said Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Jeff Kaufmann. “Axne has aided and abetted Joe Biden in destroying our strong, great nation. Without any accountability, Axne will continue to lie to and deceive Iowans. This is Washington politics at its worst.”