Today HER Time, the PAC led by former Representative Katie Hill (D., Calif) announced that it is endorsing Cindy Axne.

For those who don’t remember, Hill resigned in disgrace from Congress amid an ethics investigation into her sexual misconduct with a member of her staff.

Conservative blog RedState was the first outlet to report on Hill’s alleged affairs with her campaign staffer and her legislative director. Hill claimed the allegation she was having a relationship with her legislative director was false, but later admitted she lied and had a relationship with a member of her campaign staff.

Hill’s admission of sexual misconduct with a staffer does not appear to bother Cindy Axne, though. Axne has accepted two checks totaling $4,000 from the disgraced Congresswoman and has not yet commented on the endorsement from Hill’s PAC.

The endorsement is reminiscent of 2020 Iowa Democrat Senate Nominee Theresa Greenfield’s acceptance of a large campaign contribution from the lawyer of another California sexual predator, Harvey Weinstein.

It looks like all of Cindy Axne’s #MeToo virtue-signaling may have just been hot air (see below).