With the election less than a week away, Team Joni Ernst is unveiling a new resource for Iowans to report instances of fraud and misinformation coming from Theresa Greenfield and her liberal allies. Iowans can visit www.joniernst.com/report-election-disinformation/ to share any concerning examples they might see.

Just ten days ago, Greenfield allies were caught promoting a fake email meant to confused Iowa voters over the Iowa Farm Bureau’s endorsement of Joni Ernst. That includes, Greenfield’s biggest campaign financer, Chuck Schumer’s PAC, whose spokesperson was helping to peddle falsehoods.

Additionally, this week Greenfield was called out by Iowa farmer Chad Kuntz who was featured in one of her campaign mailers without getting his permission. In the mailer, Greenfield makes it seem that Kuntz is supporting her. The reality is the Kuntz supports Ernst. According to Kuntz “This one was pretty [disingenuous] where we were being portrayed as a farm family supporting her and it was just quite the opposite.”

But Theresa Greenfield has a history of election fraud. In 2018, her campaign ended amid felony election fraud. Greenfield has also had three complaints made against her to the Federal Elections Commission for her campaign’s transgressions.

Team Joni campaign manager, Sam Pritchard, explains that “Iowans need to keep a close eye on Greenfield for any additional deception as her campaign becomes increasingly desperate.”

Pritchard added, “We encourage voters to visit www.joniernst.com/report-election-disinformation/ and alert the Secretary of State if they witness any additional dirty tricks from Greenfield or her liberal allies.”