Republican David Young is in a dead heat to unseat Democrat congresswoman Cindy Axne. According to a new internal poll conducted by the Tarrance Group, The race in Iowa’s third congressional district is within the margin of error. David Young has a one-point lead over Cindy Axne in the survey. David Young is sitting at 44% to Axne’s 43%. The poll even includes a libertarian candidate but does not seem to hurt Young.

The poll, first covered by Politico, was conducted by a telephone and surveyed 400 registered likely voters throughout the third district. The margin of error was 4.9%. Approximately half of the interviews with the sample pool were performed with cell phone users.

The survey also found that despite trailing in several other recent polls, the president is doing well in the district. 57% of voters approve of the job President Trump is doing on jobs and the economy. Just 40% disapprove. The number has held steady since it the last survey in March.

David Young served as the U.S Representative for Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District from 2015 to 2019. He was first elected in 2014 and was reelected in 2016, serving on the Committee on Appropriations for four years, but lost his seat to Cindy Axne by 2.2 % in the 2018 midterms.

Previously, Young was chief of staff to Kentucky Sen. Jim Bunning and Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley from 1998 to 2006 and 2006 to 2013, respectively.

Rep. Cindy Axne became one of the first women from Iowa elected to the U.S House of Representatives when she defeated incumbent Representative Young in the 2018 elections.

She previously worked in strategic planning and leadership development for the Tribune Company in Chicago. Today, Axne serves on the Committee on Financial Services and Committee on Agriculture.

Financial Head-to-head

Building on $938,000 raised in the first quarter of 2020, Rep. Axne brought in a further $836,000 during this latest period to bring her total campaign amount to $3.1 million, the highest of any Iowa candidate.

David Young’s $54,3915 raised and $213,903 spent brings him to nearly $1.4 million COH. This quarter was his largest quarter so far.

In terms of PAC contributions, the figures are similar for each candidate, with $129,000 donated to Young’s campaign and $169,000 to Congresswoman Axne’s.

You can find the poll here.