The Washington Post recently reported that President Biden’s Administration is working feverishly albeit quietly to “abolished ICE without abolishing ICE.”

The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is the law enforcement agency under the Federal Department of Homeland Security. While several objectives make up their mission, they are primarily known for enforcing United States’ immigration law.

According to ICE’s website, they “conducted 185,884 removals during FY 2020”. Additionally, the vast majority of those removals, 92% to be exact, “had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges, demonstrating ICE ERO’s commitment to removing those who pose the greatest risk to the safety and security of the United States.”

In the Washington Post piece, one terrified official said, “it literally feels like we’ve gone from the ability to fully enforce our immigration laws to now being told to enforce nothing.

Has anyone of Iowa’s Reporters asked our Congresswoman from the third district about President Biden’s plans? Back in 2018, Axne put out a press release stating:

“In Congress, I will stand up to my party and oppose efforts to abolish ICE. We need comprehensive immigration reform that starts with strengthening our border security, cracking down on violent crime, and providing a pathway to citizenship for non-violent immigrants who have paid their taxes. This requires a bipartisan approach, not calls to abolish ICE or false campaign attack ads,” said Cindy Axne, Democratic candidate for Iowa’s Third Congressional District.


“Stand up to my party and oppose.”

When Axne heard about the Biden Administration’s efforts to abolish ICE did she:

  • Call the Whitehouse and demand a meeting to convince them to reconsider? 
  • Did she book herself a slew of media hits to blast the decision? 
  • Did her comms staffers draft an Op-Ed for the DMR to announce her opposition and renounce those democrats behind the dangerous policy? 

Sadly, the answer here is NO on each count. 

If we didn’t know any better, it would seem Axne has abandoned her campaign promise to appease her radical base.