According to recent disclosure filings, Cindy Axne received a $5,000 contribution from the Courage to Change PAC, which is aligned with the far-left “Squad” member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

It’s the second such check she’s received from AOC, who has been a proponent of defunding the police, the Green New Dealopen borders policies, and other far-left policy proposals; Axne previously received another $5,000 contribution from Courage to Change last year. She also attended a virtual fundraiser with another Squad member, Ayanna Pressley, in December.

Axne’s ties to radical Squad members contradict the moderate image that she’s been running with for her re-elect campaign, including ads underscoring her “bipartisan” work to reduce inflation. It is, however, more consistent with her near 100 percent voting record with Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. Axne has supported even the most controversial of Biden’s agenda, including the Inflation Reduction Act that has been widely criticized for having little effect on inflation while raising income taxes across the board and providing funding for 87,000 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents.

Axne’s repeated defense of the Biden administration’s controversies – from the botched Afghanistan withdrawal to Biden’s revocation of Title 42 – have also been attack fodder for Republicans.

Republicans have blasted this “stark contrast” between Axne’s campaign message and her record in an email blast. “The record is clear,” a Republican National Committee said in an email release. “If Cindy Axne didn’t have to worry about re-election, there wouldn’t be any daylight between her and the Squad – because in many ways, there already isn’t.