Iowa Congresswoman Cindy Axne is under fire for offensive and derogatory statements against Christians. She made the comments earlier this week on a video call with progressive activists.

The controversy is more unwelcome scrutiny for the vulnerable Iowa Democrat as it comes just a few days after a non-partisan watchdog group released a report accusing the Congresswoman of breaking the law failing to abide by federal financial disclosure requirements for members of Congress.

The video was featured on Tucker Carlson’s program on Fox News.

During the meeting, while discussing covid and vaccinations, Axne said,

“The Christian Right is, you know, everything under the guise while they hold the cross, you know, for God or whatever. And they use it like a weapon. And it’s painful to watch. Because they’ve weaponized religion, they have weaponized politics…”

The remarks were immediately denounced.

“Here in Iowa, we are still part of the Midwest, and we are still overwhelmingly a Christian culture. Iowans don’t need public officials and politicians who are so profoundly out of step with the values of the heartland of America.


With every passing month, Cindy Axne sounds less and less like the good people of Iowa who sent her to Washington, DC to represent them, and more and more like a mouthpiece of hate-mongering New York or San Francisco politicians bent on destroying the time-tested values that have made Iowa and America great for centuries.” said IowaFaith & Freedom Coalition President Steve Scheffler.

The Republican Party of Iowa also released a statement on Axne’s offensive remarks.

“This is how today’s Iowa Democrat Party feels behind closed doors,” said Republican Party of Iowa Communications Director Kollin Crompton. “Axne’s comments are a slap in the face to every person of faith in Iowa. It’s time that Iowans are introduced to the real Cindy Axne – the one who hates them deep down.”

Congresswoman Axne has yet to apologize or even comment on the statements she made. This story will be updated if she does.