It’s official. Today, Iowa’s very own Chuck Grassley becomes 10th longest-serving Senator in U.S. history with 39.3 years of service. Iowans first elected Grassley to the United States Senate back in 1980. Today he serves as chairman of the Senate Finance Committee as well as President pro tempore. In case you’ve forgotten, The president pro tempore is third in the line of presidential succession, following the vice president and the speaker, #NBD. In honor of this milestone, we here at Iowa Field Report have compiled ten great facts and ten great tweets from the pride of Butler County. Enjoy.

  1. After being elected in 1980, Grassley has received bipartisan support from Iowans in each of his reelections always receiving more than 60% of the vote. In 2004 he received over 70% of the vote!
  1. Even when the Senate is in session, Chuck comes back to Iowa almost every weekend.
  1. Chuck Grassley visits all of Iowa’s 99 counties every single year. He does this to stay connected to the people he represents. His approach is the gold standard for other politicians and elected officials. The practice is now referred to as doing the “Full Grassley”
  1. He holds the record for the longest length of time without missing a vote in the history of the US Senate.
  1. The last time Chuck Grassley missed a vote it was because a terrible flood had ravaged the state in 1993. Grassley stayed to personally help President Clinton assess the damage.
  1. There are only two farmers serving in the US Senate and Chuck Grassley is one of them.
  1. He married Mrs. Grassley in 1954, meaning they have been married for over 66 years!
  1. Before he was elected to the US Senate, Grassley served in the Iowa House of Representatives from 1959 to 1975 and then in the US House of Representatives from 1975 to 1981.
  1. In the Senate, he has earned a reputation as a tireless advocate for accountability and transparency in government, protections for whistleblowers, and tax cuts. He also works closely with his Democratic colleagues to find bipartisan solutions to issues Americans face like healthcare costs, the opioid epidemic, and Human trafficking.
  1. Grassley’s grandson, Pat Grassley was elected to the Iowa House of Representatives in 2007. Today, Pat is the Speaker of the Iowa House.


Time for the Tweets!

#10 Grassley hated Market Grilles before it was cool.

#9 Not so much History Channel.

#8 But wait, Is there still hope?

#7 Could be a pool reporter for the press.

#6 Think the Pope and Chuck connected?

#5 Here’s a classic.

#4 Amen!

#3 #pantsburnlegwound

#2 He’s speaking my language.

#1 – The best for last.

God Bless Chuck Grassley!  Thank you for your leadership and service.

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Image Credit:”Chuck Grassley” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by Gage Skidmore