Hundreds gathered in front of the United States Supreme court to protest the Supreme Court Decision to overturn Roe V. Wade.

Many throughout the protest, where pockets of speakers sprung up, expressed their outrage over the priority over women’s health compared to gun legislation.

“We need to flood the town halls,” one protestor said in a microphone, “We’re going to protest until hell freezes over” another spoke.

Throughout the night in D.C, an American flag was burned, and some protesters dressed in all blackout clothing with goggles and umbrellas marched the streets downtown.

The protests were mild and peaceful, while Iowa Field Report’s covered the event throughout the evening.

Across the country, other protests broke out, some leading to political violence and the multitude of vandalism to pro-life advocacy group buildings.

In North Carolina, Republican party offices were vandalized with pro-abortion sentiments.

In Arizona, lawmakers were held hostage in the Senate building as protestors surrounded the building, preventing them from leaving and forcing local police to use teargas to disperse the crowd.