Drake University released a statement to students this week about school covid protocols for the fall semester. “Required campus safety protocols in the fall-including mask-wearing and social distancing-will be determined by how many people on campus are vaccinated. The Sooner everyone gets vaccinated, the sooner we can loosen restrictions,” read the message.

Drake University Email On COVID-19 Restrictions for Fall 2021

This is seemingly contrary to what the other schools in Iowa have proposed, where both Iowa State and The University of Iowa only highly recommend getting the vaccine shot. 

Iowa University’s page reads,” The University Of Iowa Strongly encourages students, faculty, and staff to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.”

In a press conference this week, Governor Kim Reyolds stated,” There’s no reason for us to continue to fear COVID-19 any longer-we know how to manage it, and that individuals can be trusted to make decisions that will keep us on the path forward. I believe that Iowans are ready to live our lives normally again, and I think we’ve earned it.”


Today the CDC announced that those who have been vaccinated no longer need to wear face masks indoors in most situations. It remains to be seen if Drake will reconsider their restrictions laid out for the fall with today’s announcement.