Governor Kim Reynolds’ campaign announced today that her campaign would place a five-figure ad by advocating for her Invest in Iowa Act.

The ad will run for the next several weeks and features the governor speaking directly to the camera asking Iowans to contact their legislators to tell them they support the Invest in Iowa Act.


The Invest in Iowa Act is the Governor’s signature proposal for the 2020 Iowa Legislative Session. The plan would increase the state sales tax by a penny to fund the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust. It would also modify the formula used to distribute money from the fund to increase the amount allocated for water quality and conservation projects. To offset any tax increase, the Governor proposed lowering income taxes and property taxes. The plan calls for a fully-funded mental health care system in the state. To accomplish this, the Governor suggests that the state reduce property tax levies and provide funding directly through the state general fund.

The digital ad buy follows a series of town hall style meetings across the state hosted by the Governor, advocating for the Invest in Iowa Act.

Iowans for Tax Relief recently released a poll showing a majority of Iowans are in favor of a tax reform plan similar to what Reynolds has proposed. The poll showed that 51.8% of Iowans supported such a measure. The poll also showed that nearly 60% of Republicans Democrats and Independents support a proposal to provide property tax relief by shifting much of Iowa’s mental health care funding from the county government to the state government.

AD Transcript:

The Invest in Iowa Act; it’s big, it’s bold. It cuts taxes for hard-working Iowans while investing in critical priorities like mental health, water quality and, our quality of life.


It’s something we can do today to ensure a brighter future for tomorrow. But I need your help. Make your voices heard.


Call your legislators. Let them know that you support the Invest in Iowa Act.