State auditor Rob Sand is continuing his strategy of criticizing everything Governor Reynolds has done during the pandemic, this time saying that providing federal CARES Act dollars to fund law enforcement during the pandemic is not “the best way,” even if it’s “technically” allowed. 


Sand hasn’t explained why he believes law enforcement should not receive funding. And it should be obvious to anyone that supporting law enforcement during a crisis is … essential. 


Maybe this is a subtle defund-the-police stance?


But while he’s found plenty of time to tweet (does he do anything else?) and to fight with citizens of his hometown of Decorah (read here and here), Sand still has said nothing about Rita Hart’s attempt to steal the Second Congressional seat in the Nancy Pelosi-controlled House. 


Iowa Field Report reached out to the State Police Officers Council, or SPOC, for comment on Sand’s assertion that even though they “technically qualify,” funding troopers may not be “the best way” to spend the money. 

“This has been an unprecedented time for law enforcement. We’ve been asked to step up to fill a roll in the COVID 19 response and we’ve filled that role.


We have confidence in the governor and the commissioner and the administration to do what’s right with CARES act dollars. 


It’s concerning to hear that some feel we’re not justified to this funding considering the work we’ve done and continue to do to serve the people of Iowa,” said Jason Bardsley, President of SPOC.