Americans have always been innovative and hardworking. Our country was founded on entrepreneurs looking for new ways to modernize our world and see their products become successful thanks to the free market. Iowans in particular value these foundational elements of our nation. As we forge forward, we know we must protect these ideals to ensure following generations can continue to reap their benefits.

As discussion grows in the federal government as to how to manage American tech companies, I encourage our elected officials to reflect on all the impacts legislation may have. For years, American technology and innovation have enhanced our nation’s security, while improving lives and supporting America’s economy and businesses, particularly small ones. In Iowa alone our technology sector employs more than 95,000 individuals and has an estimated $9.8 billion economic impact on the state’s economy, according to a 2021 study done by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA).

While the national media and federal government may be portraying one side of this narrative, it is important to remember that all legislation, whether federal or local, has lasting impacts on jobs, communities, small businesses, and families across our state. It’s important to remember how these innovations in technology have opened new platforms and markets for our Main Street businesses, kept us better connected with family, and continues to keep our country safe in cyberspace.

In a survey done by the Iowa Economic Development Authority studying the impact of COVID-19 on small businesses, more than 30 percent of surveyed businesses and organizations adopted new technologies or systems in response to COVID-19. Especially over this last year, we turned to many of these tech companies’ products to keep us connected and our businesses open. As we continue to recover and Iowa’s economy continues to grow, we must ensure our businesses have the necessary tools to continue to be successful. 

Whether it is helping us all stay connected, letting us know the evening special at our favorite local restaurant, or feeding our family through employment, American tech companies carry the torch on American innovation.