Today, State Representative John Landon was laid to rest. Iowa Field Report has compiled a collection of statements and comments from his friends and colleagues honoring his service to the state and celebrating his character and kindness.

“Today, we lost a dear friend and dedicated public servant in Representative John Landon. The Iowa House and House District 37 were fortunate to have someone so dedicated to his work all the way until his final day.” As far as public servants go, John was the very best of us.  John was everything Iowa needs in its representatives: a strong leader, a hard worker, a great mind, and a humble servant. He will be sorely missed by all of us, but he is in a better place. Please join me and Iowa House Republicans in sending prayers to his wife Marvis and the rest of his family.” – Speaker of the Iowa House, Pat Grassley


“I’m heartbroken over the passing of my friend, John Landon.” “He treated every person he met with respect and kindness, compassion and a friendly smile. Despite battling a debilitating sickness this past session, he fought with grace, humility and political courage. John was a hard worker, dedicated public servant, and committed conservative, for sure. But his greatest accomplishments were that of a loving husband and proud father. “My wife Vicki and I extend our deepest condolences to the Landon family and will continue to lift them up in prayer.” Iowa GOP Chairman Jeff Kaufmann


“Iowa lost a truly great person and great American with the passing of my friend, Representative John Landon. John was a true patriot who put his country, state, community, and family first. Serving alongside John in the legislature to represent the Ankeny area has been a great honor. He was universally respected for his honesty, his integrity, and his work ethic. While John was a great legislator, he was an even better husband, father, and grandfather. Please join me in praying for Marvis and the entire Landon family.“ Iowa Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver


“John Landon took the weight of the role as a legislator seriously. He knew what it meant for the people of Ankeny to trust him, and he never took that for granted. I think what John loved most about being a state legislator was when the school children and other constituents from Ankeny would visit the Capitol. He loved showing them their state Capitol, and all the promise it holds. “That’s who John was. A humble, supportive and genuine man. A quiet but fierce leader. He leaves behind a tremendous legacy of service. My thoughts and prayers are with Marvis and the entire Landon family.” – Iowa GOP Co-Chair and Former Speaker of the Iowa House Linda Upmeyer


“When John spoke, people listened. He was known as a trusted, genuine, caring person always willing to put others before himself. During his time in the Iowa Legislature, he brought his strong convictions and work ethic to the job every single day. I have always admired John as someone who will put in the work to get the job done. My deepest condolences go out to his wife, Marvis, his family, and a community that is grieving the loss of this incredible man.”  – Governor Kim Reynolds