Tara Reade’s corroborated allegations of sexual assault against Joe Biden not only shine a blinding light on the hypocrisy of Democrats, but the media as well — both nationally and, sadly, right here in Iowa.

Just two years ago, when Brett Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault by Christine Blasey Ford, Senator Grassley was quick to say he believed she “deserves to be heard.” When addressing the allegations with a conference call with reporters, Senator Ernst said she was “glad both Ford and Kavanaugh had the opportunity to testify.”

Both Senators Grassley and Ernst, in a very transparent manner, answered questions from Iowa media; both agreed that Blasey Ford deserved to be heard so they could review her testimony and relevant information — despite her uncorroborated allegations of assault. But even with this transparency, Democrats launched vicious attacks against any Republican that dare speak out in favor of Kavanaugh. And the media ate it up.

Furthermore, there are many examples of GOP elected officials having to answer for allegations against members of their own party. In 2017, reporters and pundits alike were quick to question whether or not Governor Reynolds should even campaign with President Trump in her reelection race. “It raises questions of her commitment to the prohibition and prevention of sexual harassment,” Political Theory Professor Dennis Goldford actually said, as reported by the Globe-Gazette.

When President Trump faced an accusation in June of 2019, a Daily Nonpareil article stated, “Reporters asked Ernst on Tuesday about the new allegations against Trump.” Her response? Anyone that comes forward should be heard.

When was the last time a reporter asked Rep. Cindy Axne , who endorsed Joe Biden, whether or not she believes Tara Reade deserves to be heard? Or whether or not she believes Joe Biden? Theresa Greenfield has finally said she supports Biden after weeks of radio silence, all House candidates must come clean on where they stand.

When was the last time a reporter asked Rita Hart or J.D. Scholten, who want to represent Iowans in Congress, whether or not they believe Tara Reade deserves to be heard? This one is a little more tricky, because reporters still haven’t even asked them why they haven’t committed to supporting Biden for president.

Local journalism is important. But when reporters fail to hold Democrats accountable in the same way they do Republicans, it’s easy to understand why so many Iowans refuse to subscribe or cancel subscriptions to their newspapers.

It’s time for journalists to hold Democrats’ feet to the fire and ask the tough questions. All Iowa Democrats must answer for this credible allegation against their standard-bearer, former Senator, Vice President, and presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Joe Biden.