To the Neighborhood Team Leaders, Core Team Members, and thousands of volunteers who have dedicated their personal time to the reelection efforts of President Trump.  We want to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for all of your efforts.  This past week, Iowa Trump Victory celebrated its One Millionth phone call, a feat that is leaps and bounds ahead of where voter contact was in 2016 and 2018! This achievement would never, could never, be possible without your dedication and support.  The countless hours you have spent supporting the President’s reelection campaign is astounding, and a testament to your dedication to ensuring that President Donald J. Trump remains in office for another four years! The phone calls, the door to door engagement, and the voter registration events, to name a few, are all helping lead the way to victory.  These voter contacts have made a tremendous impact and will remain a focal point for the coming months.

To the Neighborhood Team Leaders who have worked tirelessly with Field Organizers and Regional Field Directors; this accomplishment could not have been possible without your leadership, will, and passion.  We are humbled to be serving alongside you in our efforts to ensure a second term for President Trump.  These next five months until November are crucial. We are confident that with your leadership and support, we will prevail in November.  We have events happening across the state on a daily basis please visit for events in your area.  We look forward to seeing you soon!
