Tuesday, the Iowa Federation of Republican Women awarded Governor Kim Reynolds the association’s highest distinction, the Yellow Rose Award. The ceremony took place during their annual legislative day in Des Moines.

According to the group’s President, Barbara Hames-Bryant, Reynolds earned the award because of her tireless work reviving the state’s economy and “serving as a role model to girls and women of all ages who aspire to the highest levels of
excellence in all walks of life.”

“Thank you to each and every one of you for being on the ground, working hard every day to elect Republicans and keep Iowa moving in the right direction. I am proud to stand with you as you support and promote conservative causes, efficient government, and personal accountability,” said Gov. Reynolds, along time member of the group, after receiving the award.

While the event is typically held at the capitol, COVID-19 required the event to be moved to the nearby Republican Party of Iowa headquarters.

Gov. Reynolds wasn’t the only speaker Tuesday. A number High profile Republicans also spoke at the event, including:

  • Lt. Governor Adam Gregg
  • Secretary of State Paul Pate
  • Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver
  • Senate President Jake Chapman
  • House Majority Leader Matt Windschitl
  • HouseSpeaker Pro Tem John Wills
  • Party Co-Chair and former Iowa Speaker of the House Linda Upmeyer
  • Iowa Young Republicans Chair Ashley Hunt

The Iowa Federation of Republican Women is a chapter of the National Federation of Republican Women. They tout themselves as the largest and most influential women’s political organization in the nation. The group’s next state-wide event is their Spring Conference, scheduled to be held on April 17th in Davenport.