The Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition held their 21st Annual Fall Banquet featuring Congressman and Medal of Honor Recipient Devin Nunes. The event garnered a crowd of over 800 people, a record attendance compared to previous years.

Congressman Nunes’s remarks were primarily based around big tech censorship, an issue he took personally after alleging how Youtube decreased his views on the videos he posted on the social media platform.
The Congressman frequently pointed toward the essentialness of conservatives going to platforms such as Rumble and Parler to continue to hold a base.

“We are at a dark time in our country; let’s not kid ourselves,” Nunes said. The congressman slammed the media’s bias who produced “Fake News” while alleging how the Obama administration, corrupt prosecutors in the Department of Justice, and FBI agents were the core root behind The Russian Collusion Narrative.

Other prominent figures who spoke during the event included Former United States Attorney General Matt Whitaker and Chairman of Faith and Freedom Coalition Dr. Ralph Reed.

“We believe in the rule of law, we believe in family value, the sanctity of human life-and supporting our men and women in Law enforcement,” said Whitaker taking aim at the recent Democrat-backed Defund The Police Movement.

Other notable remarks of the night involved Dr. Ralph Reed making the case on how religion was fundamental to making the United States government, particularly the constitution.

“The greatness of America is in the decency of a people who are yielded to almighty God and to serve him in their daily lives,” argued Reed, while emphasizing how the United States will soon have a “resurgence,” of values.