The Biden Administration’s handling of the crisis at the border has been anything if not catastrophic for the United States.

With this reality though, comes a double-edged sword, where Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley continues to pick up the work that the current administration has continued to slack off on.

Grassley has continuously ripped apart the current administration’s policies at the border, where Grassley described Biden’s first 100 days in office as, “Chaos, uncertainty and confusion,” regarding the Southern Border Crisis.

Recently, Grassley hammered the fact how the Guatemala president Alejandro Giammattei stated to reporters why his citizens are leaving his country:

“Their message changed to,’we are going to reunite families and we are going to reunite children,” Giammattei said.

This changed message from the Trump administration has caused an indefinite surge of migrants that have put further stress on the United States Border Control and Customs.

“U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported it had encountered 180,034 individuals attempting to cross into the United States along our southern border in May. That’s up 675 percent from May 2020. Of those, 14,158 were unaccompanied minors. That’s up 1,305 percent from last May. For family units, it’s up 4,143 percent,” noted Grassley when diving into the data of Biden’s disastrous ordeal at the border.

Unlike Biden and Harris who have not set foot on the border, Grassley has had frequent conversations with border patrol agents in order to get their voices out and heard.

“Border patrol agents I spoke with in March said they advised the Biden administration not to rescind the “Remain in Mexico” policy implemented by President Trump. Their recommendation was ignored. Now, border patrol and local law enforcement officials say they’re encountering human smuggling, drug trafficking and other violent crimes,” Grassely said.

Iowa democrats continue to tout how the border crisis is fake, as per a statement from Iowa Democratic Chairman Ross Wilburn.

Representative Cindy Axne has also continued her unwavering support of the VP’s handling (or lack thereof) of the crisis at the border in a town hall earlier last week.

Members of Congress In Iowa, such as Representative Feenstra, Rep. Miller-Meeks and Rep. Hinson, have done more to request aid and action at the southern border than Biden or Harris. Iowa’s US House members have gone to the border to meet with agents and face the dire reality that Democrats continue to ignore.