Des Moines Black Liberation activists blocked downtown streets in an effort to protest the latest murmurings of overturning Roe V. Wade from the U.S. Supreme Court.

Protestors chanted a multitude of chants, one such as “fuck the church, fuck the state, we decide our fate,” that reverberated through the city streets.

“No photos and video showing protestors’ faces”, as “This is how police target our movement. Don’t let them,” stated flyers for the event.

Anti-police and Iowa House Candidate Jaylen Cavil, also made an appearance at the night’s protest, joining protestors in their chants and talking about the safety of fellow activists when protesting.

Cavil has received backlash over the years for his progressive stances in removing School Resource Officers from Des Moines Public Schools (where a rise of school violence and a shooting near campus occurred after their removal) and advocating for the complete abolishment of the Des Moines Police Department.