On Friday evening, Iowa District Court Judge Tott ruled that Woodbury County Auditor, Patrick Gill violated the law. The lawsuit focused on absentee ballot request forms sent by Gill’s office.  The request forms were mailed to more than 56,000 individuals prepopulated with voter information despite specific guidance from the Iowa Secretary of State’s office stipulating not to do so.

Selection from page 20 of ruling

Thursday, Linn County Auditor Joel Miller was so found to have broken the law in a District Court ruling. The plaintiffs for the suit were The Republican National Committee, the Republican Party of Iowa, The National Republican Senatorial Committee, The National Republican Congressional Committee, and Donald J. Trump for President, inc. Iowa Secretay of State Paul Pate has said that his office intends to send absentee ballot request forms to all active registered voters in the state, including those living in Linn and Woodbury Counties. Johnson county was apart of a similar lawsuit, and a decision for that case is imminent.

“These victories are a step in the right direction as we work to uphold the integrity of our absentee voting system,” said Jeff Kaufmann, Chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa. “Iowa Republicans want accessible and fair elections, especially during a pandemic. By openly defying the law, these reckless county auditors executed a blatant attack on our voting system. They alone are responsible for this mess. These rulings will help us begin restoring validity and confidence in the upcoming 2020 election.”

Full Ruling Here