Iowans saw a familiar face on Friday morning as Minnesota Democrat Amy Klobuchar returned to Iowa – virtually anyways – to campaign for Joe Biden. 

The one-time presidential hopeful, made her first return to the Cyclone State since dropping out back in March to endorse Joe Biden to tout his latest economic recovery plan, Build Back Better. 

The Democrat-nominee and former vice president outlined the plan in a speech earlier this month, creating a program that relies heavily on taxpayer funding. According to a Fox News report, Biden would purportedly spend nearly $10 trillion on his agenda which ranges from his ‘Build Back Better’ economic recovery package, health care plan, and his version of the Green New Deal. 

The plans though have Republicans sounding the alarm. Ahead of Klobuchar’s roundtable, the Republican National Committee was listing all the reasons why the plan would be bad for those living in Iowa. 

“It’s only fitting that after losing the Iowa caucuses, Joe Biden and Amy Klobuchar would make their way back to the Hawkeye State to pitch their disastrous economic policy,” RNC Spokesperson Preya Samsundar said in a release. “Riddled with tax hikes, their agenda will kill hundreds of thousands of jobs, shutter family farms, and decimate Iowa’s agriculture industry. We look forward to watching Iowans reject them and their failed policies again in November.”

A study conducted by the Tax Foundation earlier this year found that Joe Biden’s tax plan would actually shrink the economy by 1.5 percent. Furthermore, another study conducted determined that Joe Biden’s plans could kill 585,000 American jobs. 

However, Republicans point to Joe Biden’s open embrace of New York socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who recently became the Co-Chair of the candidate’s climate task force. 

Biden, who is calling for the Green New Deal to become a reality once said on the debate stage that he would kill “hundreds of thousands” of blue-collar jobs to promote green energy – which could significantly harm towns in eastern Iowa. Meanwhile, Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal once called for a methane gas tax that would cost dairy farmers and cattle ranchers $2,000 per cow.

While Republicans continue to attack what they perceive is Biden’s anti-Midwest agenda, it’s clear the footprint of both campaigns in-state will only continue to grow as we approach the 100-day mark. Republicans have had a physical presence in Iowa since the 2016 cycle, while Biden only just announced staff hires earlier this month. 

Editors note: While many have forgotten about Senator Klobuchar and her presidential campaign, This outlet feels compelled to remind readers that Klobuchar refers to a casserole as a “Hotdish.” Additionally, we veihmently disagree with her decision to add cheese to her for tater tot casserole recipe posted online and shared extensively during her presidential campaign.