Today, the Club For Growth Foundation will release its 2020 Iowa legislative scorecard. Iowa Field Report has it first. The Club for Growth Foundation advocates for free markets, pro-growth policies, and creating economic prosperity.

Each year the organization conducts a study on how members of congress and, in select instances, state legislators voted on key issues then scoring the candidates.  According to their website, its scorecard is “based on selected votes of importance to the Club For Growth Foundation and does not include the complete voting record of any legislator.” 

Key Takeaways:

Iowa Senate

  • Average Republican Score: 81% 
  • Average Democrat Score: 22% 
  • Highest Rated Republican: Sen. Jake Chapman, 95% 
  • Lowest Rated Republican: Sen. Jim Carlin, 70% 
  • Highest Rated Democrat: Sen. Rich Taylor, 32% 
  • Lowest Rated Democrat: Sen. Robert Hogg 8% 


Iowa House

  • Average Republican Score: 62% 
  • Average Democrat Score: 27% 
  • Highest Rated Republican: Rep. Skyler Wheeler, 88% 
  • Lowest Rated Republican: Rep. Gary Worthan, 54% 
  • Highest Rated Democrats: Rep. Mary Lynn Wolfe and Rep. Todd Prichard, 47% 
  • Lowest Rated Democrat: Rep. Marti Anderson, 6% 

All of the legislator’s scores can be found HERE.

The full report with each bill factored in can be found HERE.

Club For Growth provided the following statement to Iowa Field Report

“The Foundation’s Congressional Scorecard is already the gold-standard in publishing the voting records of Senators and Members of the U.S. House of Representatives on economic legislation, and the State Legislative Scorecards help educate citizens about which elected officials are champions of pro-growth policies at the state level,” saidClub for Growth President David McIntosh.


“Republicans dominate Iowa’s legislature and many statewide offices like governor and lieutenant governor, but big government, anti-growth policies continue to be favored by the politicians in Des Moines. Some members of the legislature are close to being true defenders of economic freedom, but they need to step up and fight for the taxpayers more than they ever have before.”