Today, Democratic Congressional Candidate Rita Hart finally admitted defeat. Hart had sought to throw out the certified election results from Iowa’s Second Congressional District after she was defeated by Mariannette Miller-Meeks first on election night and again after a full district-wide recount. Today’s concession from Hart makes it the third time Miller-Meeks has bested her.

In a tweet this afternoon Hart said her decision was not because she realized she was in the wrong but instead blamed a “toxic campaign on political disinformation.”

Shortly after the tweet, Congresswoman Miller-Meeks issued a statement thanking Hart for her decision to withdraw the challenge.

“I want to thank Rita Hart for her decision. I know how extremely difficult it is to lose an election, but for the people to have faith and confidence in the election system and Iowa laws, it was gracious of her to concede at this time. I look forward to continuing to work to represent the people of Iowa’s Second District.”

Republicans from across the nation reacted to the news by praising Rep. Miller-Meeks and chastising Hart for taking so long to do the right thing.

“Midwest common sense has again prevailed over party politics in Washington. Speaker Pelosi appeared poised to reverse the election results in Iowa’s Second Congressional District, never mind that Rep. Miller-Meeks’ victory was reviewed multiple times and ultimately certified by Iowa’s bipartisan election board. Rita Hart did the right thing today by withdrawing her request that Washington partisans overrule the voices of 400,000 Iowans. Going down this road would have seriously damaged faith in our elections, which is why many in Pelosi’s own party expressed concern with such a blatant power grab,” Said Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley.

“Iowans elected Congresswoman Miller-Meeks to represent them in Congress and Rita Hart’s eventual decision to respect the will of Iowa voters is the right one. I look forward to continuing to serve Iowans alongside Congresswoman Miller-Meeks. This process was just a glimpse into how our elections would operate under H.R. 1—Democrats’ bill to take away states’ Constitutional authority to run their own elections and place this power in D.C. We must ensure people feel confident their votes count while illegal ones do not—and that means respecting each state’s right to run its own election system without federal interference.” -Congresswoman Ashley Hinson

‘GOP House Leader Kevin McCarthy issued this statement and tweeted out a picture from a joint media appearance Rep. Miller-Meeks and he participated in today in the Quad Cities.

“Rita Hart and Nancy Pelosi finally heard what many Iowans told me today: Mariannette Miller-Meeks is the duly-elected Congresswoman serving Iowa’s Second Congressional District. Pelosi’s attempted power grab failed. And Iowans and America are better off because of it.”

“We are glad Rita Hart finally came to her senses and admitted the truth: the people of Iowa chose Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks to represent them in Congress. We won’t let voters forget that Democrats will do whatever they can to subvert democracy if given the opportunity.” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Berg