The Republican Party of Iowa announced Tuesday its support for the Republican National Committees’ lawsuit against New York City. Recently, the world’s largest city by urban area enacted legislation that allows non-citizens to vote.

“The Republican Party of Iowa fully supports the RNC’s effort to protect the integrity of our elections. The actions taken in New York are illegal and erode trust in our election system. Granting non-citizens the right to vote diminishes the voice of the American people to decide the future of our communities. It should be stopped immediately before Democrats try to force these rules in Iowa,” said Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Jeff Kaufmann.

Law could allow somewhere been 800,000 to 900,000 non-citizens to the city’s voter rolls. The Republican National Committee sees the law as a direct attack on election integrity. Their suit also maintains that the new law contradicts the New York state constitution which specifically stipulates New York voters must be U.S. citizens.

In a statement released yesterday, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said the GOP would fight back against other efforts pushed by Democrats to undermine elections anywhere in the country.

“American elections should be decided by American citizens. If Democrats can subvert elections this flagrantly in America’s largest city, they can do it anywhere. The RNC is suing to protect the integrity of our elections, and we stand ready to do the same wherever Democrats try to attack the basic security of your ballot.”

A PDF of the full lawsuit can be found below.