Joni Ernst calls on the United States to cut China out of the U.S. supply chain, echoing her new T.V. ad announced Monday. On a conference call with members of the press, she said we need to reduce our dependence on communist China.

“Talking with Iowans all across the state, it is clear they agree we rely on China for far too much — from technology to medicine — so I’m fighting to bring it home,” she said at the start of the call.

To accomplish this, Senator Ernst has proposed a Beat China bill that would incentivize American companies and industries to relocate their manufacturing and supply chain back into the United States. The bill would accomplish this by providing tax incentives to those companies for bringing and maintaining their production in the United States. Ernst specifically mentioned the need to ensure PPE, Pharmaceuticals, and technology that we use in our defense industry were high on the priority list. The bill would apply to other countries beyond China.

By bringing that production back home, Ernst pointed out that it would accomplish three goals:

  • One, products would be higher quality and safer.
  • Two, it would be available immediately, meeting market demands faster.
  • Lastly, it would support American jobs and help the American economy.

China is a valuable trading partner to Iowa, and the US. Ernst acknowledged this onthe conference call and said that she is concerned about China’s reputation for intellectual property theft and their data collection efforts, and the effect they have on American jobs.

“China is a good trade partner for us, especially with the end products, you know that soybean, that kernel of corn, all of that is very important. But when it comes to our technology and making sure that we’re maintaining the health and well-being of our citizens here in the United States, we need to learn how to develop and resource that within the United States.”

She also took the opportunity to point out that her democratic opponent has absent form discussion on many of these topics and refused to take a position on many important public policy and political issues. When asked what message she had for Greenfield and /Chuck Schumer, Ernst didn’t hesitate to say, “Let’s talk about the issues that are very important to Iowans. Let’s not pussyfoot around these issues. I want to hear what Theresa Greenfield thinks on these issues. I want to hear what Chuck Schumer is telling her to say or not to say, so I think that’s really important”

“For my message directly to Chuck Schumer, first is, when will you allow us as Republicans and Democrats to come together and work on issues that are important to Iowans and all Americans?” she asked citing the Democrat’s refusal to support bills like Violence Against Women’s Act and the National Defense Authorization Act.

“There are so many issues that are important to all Americans, and Democrats are refusing to debate those issues. So I want to know when he’s going to allow us to come together and work together as parties unified. I’d like to know what Theresa Greenfield thinks about working together with Republicans and Democrats,” Ernst continued.

Iowa GOP chairman Jeff Kauffman was also on the call and echoed Joni’s comments on Greenfield, “‘… It’s clear that Theresa Greenfield is completely unprepared to lead. Joni, obviously, was a former logistics battalion commander. She’s standing up to communist China and fighting to bring our supply chain and jobs back to the U.S. She knows about supply chains; she was in a combat zone. The first female combat veteran ever elected to the Senate. Theresa Greenfield, where is she at? I don’t know.”

In a video, Joni Challenged her opponent to six debates starting in August. Greenfield has been mostly mum on the idea, generally agreeing to debate Ernst without elaborating on a timeline or frequency. “Greenfield’s entire strategy is to hide out and dodge questions. It’s why she won’t debate Joni twice a month,” said Kauffmann