Republican congressional candidate Zach Nunn visited the southern border over the weekend, according to a tweet he posted on his Twitter account.

The border has remained a hot-button issue ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. Under the Biden administration, an estimated 800,000 illegal immigrants have escaped into the U.S. Border authorities have so far encountered over two million migrants this fiscal year – a historic record. Border states such as Texas and Arizona have been overwhelmed with a humanitarian disaster unfolding at their southern boundaries, and it’s a burden that they’re forcing Democrat-run states to confront by bussing migrants into cities such as New York.

Republican officials were quick to point out that with his visit over the weekend, Nunn has now visited the border more than Biden has since he became president. “He’s not even in Congress yet, and Zach Nunn has already shown more leadership on the humanitarian disaster at our southern border than the president himself,” a Republican National Committee spokesman said in a press release. (Biden has not visited the border despite persistent Republican pressure to do so.)

The visit also underscores Axne’s tough position dangling her re-elect bid in a battleground district and her consistent support for Biden and his agenda.

“The Biden Border Crisis has been breaking records on a near monthly basis, but Axne has either kept mum or defended his almost purposeful ineptitude,” an RNC spokesman said.