Jean Stothert, the first woman ever elected in Omaha, was just re-elected to her second term in a district that voted for Biden in the 2020 election. But could a recently re-elected Republican mayor in Omaha, Nebraska, prove detrimental to Iowa Representative Cindy Axne?

Despite being in different states, Omaha and Des Moines have a lot in common. The suburbs of both cities share similar values and demographic make-ups. The election of a Republican mayor in Omaha could be seen as a warning sign for Axne, according to Omaha Young Republicans Chair Peter Owens. If suburban voters who cast their ballot for Biden have already abandoned him and the Democratic Party, then Axne’s reelection chances look grim.

Axne has managed to edge out in her races so far. However, Axne has never received over 50% of the vote in the district and only won a single county of the sixteen in her most recent election. Additionally, her original 2018 win could be credited to split ticket voters who wanted to get back at Trump.

If those moderate voters have abandoned Democrats in Omaha, it begs the question: Are moderate voters in Des Moines’ suburbs ready to ditch Axne? If they do, it shouldn’t be much of a surprise when you consider Axne’s voting record is nearly identical to that of Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Owens suggested that the rise of the ‘Defund The Police’ movement pushed voters to vote red to combat far-left progressive policies. He also indicated that this could be a national trend here in Iowa that could hurt Democrats soon.

Many followers of Stothert are crediting the Republican’s colossal win based on her stance on public safety and sound economic policies compared to their progressive counterparts, such progressive ideas supported by Cindy Axne.

In his view, the Dems’ massive spending proposals are not aligning where voters are currently.

“Cindy Axne should be scared; even moderate Democrats are voting,” said Owens on moderates voting for lower gas prices and the attacks on police.

According to unofficial results, Stothert had received 67% of the vote compared to the 33% Democrat counterpart.

Polls during the April 6 Primaries show that Stothert received 57% of the vote. All 5 Democrats involved in the primaries only received 43% of the vote.

“It really shows the Republican energy right now, and the Democrats are not galvanizing and turning up to vote,” said Owens.

Axne allies may already be aware of the shifting tides. House Majority Forward, an out of state Democratically aligned PAC, recently purchased TV ads on Rep. Axne’s behalf in the third district.