A new polling memo released by American Action Network (ANN) shows that in Iowa’s Third Congressional District, Democrats face an uphill battle when it comes to generating support for their agenda and reelecting Cindy Axne.

The survey provides damning data showing President Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda is loathed by voters, and the $3.5 trillion spending proposal by liberal Democrats is not only unpopular, but a majority believe the proposal and the huge sums being spent will lead to even higher inflation.

Key findings in #IA03 show:

  • President Joe Biden is down by 8%
  • Republicans lead the generic ballot by 9%
  • Congresswoman Cindy Axne is losing to “A Named Republican Challenger” by 2%
  • Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending proposal is deeply unpopular with net disapproval of 21%

The numbers confirm what many already suspected; President Joe Biden’s unpopularity and numerous policy blunders are having a big impact on voters, dragging down vulnerable House Democrats like Axne.

This poll is a follow-up to one done by ANN back in June.

The survey in Iowa’s Third Congressional District was conducted between August 28th and August 30th. 800 individuals participated, all of them identifying as likely voters in the 2022 general election. The margin of error is +/- 3.2%.

The full polling memo is available below.