Family Advocate and Conservative Leader Bob Vander Plaats of The Family Leader endorsed Senator Chuck Grassley’s campaign for re-election.

At a Pro-life Roundtable held in Des Moines, Plaats gave the announcement:

“If you think of Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett, elections matter, and Senator Grassley is a champion for life. He is a champion for family. Right now, if you take a look at the landscape under the Biden administration, this is not a seat you want to risk going into Democrat’s hands. You want to keep it safe and secure, and you want Senator Grassley to continue to punch well above Iowa’s weight class, do you not,” said Vander Plaats at the breakfast roundtable.

After the meeting, Vander Plaats went on to say, 

“We love the senator, and I want to go all in and get him across the finish line, not just in this primary, but in the general election as well. I think 2022 could be a great, great year for us, but we’re going to have to go all in to make it happen. So that’s what part of this morning is about. I hope all of you join me in endorsing Senator Grassley for re-election.” 

In response, Grassley gave his hearty appreciation:

“Bob’s endorsement for my re-election is very much appreciated and reflects my decades-long work on behalf of Iowans. I want to thank Bob for personally coming out in support of me. It means an awful lot to me. He’s an outstanding leader whose advocacy for faith and family strengthens the social fabric of our communities across the state,” said Grassley on the endorsement.

Grassley has led the D.C. charge of Senate Republicans in blocking the Democrat proposed Hyde amendment while leading the fight against IRS officials for the alleged targeting of conservative non-profits such as Pro-Life organizations in the country.