Thursday, former one-term congresswoman Abby Finkenauer announced she would run for Iowa’s US Senate currently held by Chuck Grassley. Finkenauer, a Democrat, announced on Twitter. Her decision comes just nine months after losing to Republican Ashely Hinson, a former state legislator, and journalist. Iowa Field Report was the first media outlet to report on Finkenaurer’s plans.

Abby Finkenauer was elected to the US House of Representatives in the blue wave of 2018 by defeating Republican Rob Blum to represent Iowa’s First Congressional seat. In Iowa, the voters a known to reflect their political leaders many times over, Senator Tom Harkin served 5 terms, Congressman Jim Leach 15 terms, Governor Terry Branstad, with more than 22 years, is the longest-serving governor of any state in American history. Finkenauer’s defeat in 2020 resulted in her becoming the first one-term Member of Congress in more than 50 years.

Senator Chuck Grassley’s campaign issued this statement after news of Finkenauer’s announcement,

“Ex-Rep. Finkenauer is too radical for Iowa, which is why Iowans fired her just last year, giving her the distinction as the first member of Congress from Iowa to lose re-election after just one term in more than fifty years. If you know Nancy Pelosi, you know Abby Finkenauer because she voted with Pelosi 93% of the time. Finkenauer wants Washington to control Iowans’ lives with more taxes, regulation and big government. Finkenauer is out of touch and out of office.”

Grassley has yet to decide if he will run for reelection. When asked, he has maintained that he would decide on his plans this fall. Grassley has never lost a campaign for federal office.

Last week Grassley’s team revealed their impressive fundraising numbers. The sums tower over his would-be Democratic opponents.

Currently, there is one other Democrat who has decided to take on Grassley for the seat, Democrat Dave Muhlbauer, who announced in May.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee  Provided Iowa Field Report the following statement from responding to another Democrat jumping in the race.

“Abby Finkenauer and her far-Left positions are indistinguishable from those of Bernie Sanders, AOC, and the socialist squad, so it’s not surprising Iowans fired her just last year,” said NRSC press secretary Katharine Cooksey. “Today, Abby signed up to become a two-time loser. Unlike Abby Finkenauer, Iowans do not support funding Sanctuary Cities, radical tax hikes, socialist spending sprees, and big government policies like Medicare for All. Iowans believe in limited government, fiscal responsibility, and creating opportunities across the state. They know Senator Chuck Grassley is in Washington fighting for those beliefs every day. Iowa needs a true conservative leader like Chuck Grassley in the Senate, not somebody like Abby Finkenauer who will work to destroy Iowans’ livelihoods.”

Finkenauer is married to political operative Daniel Wasta.