While former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker is no longer serving at DOJ, fighting for the rule of law, he continues to weigh in on one of the biggest political fights at home. This week Whitaker authored a fundraising email for Senator Chuck Grassley.

He starts by urging voters, donors, and would-be supporters not to forget the work Grassley did to protect and preserve the U.S. Supreme Court with President Donald Trump.

“Our country would be on a much darker path if Senator Grassley hadn’t fought side by side with President Trump to confirm three strong Conservative Supreme Court Justices — Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett,” explained Whitaker.

He went on to say, “Together, Grassley and Trump’s strong leadership secured the confirmation of these Justices. Our Court — and our country — would look very different without them.”

While well known to many in Iowa from his Hawkeye football days, Matt Whitaker rose to national prominence after Donald Trump selected him to replace Jeff Sessions. In addition to executing the formal duties of the office of Attorney General, Whitaker proved to be a formidable opponent in the political arena when Democrats attempted to target him in a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Capitol Hill.

Later in the email, The former acting Attorney General reminds readers of the recent Supreme Court decision reinstating Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy; the ruling, 6-3, would likely not have happened without the appointments of Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.

Even though Senator Grassley has not decided if he’ll seek reelection, several Democrats have already announced their intention to run against him. Including one-term Congresswoman Abby Finekauer.

Grassley posted substantial fundraising numbers last quarter even without being a candidate, thanks to his broad support from voters and recognition of his influence for the state of Iowa.

Whitaker is one of several prominent Trump Administration officials that have backed Grassley even before he’s decided to run again. Former Ambassador to China Terry Branstad is on board, plus, Iowa Field Report sources indicate former Iowa Secretary of Agriculture and U.S. Under Secretary of Agriculture, Bill Northey is also supporting Grassley’s would-be campaign.

Grassley will formally announce his 2022 plans in the next two months. In the meantime, he just completed his annual 99 county tour for the 41st year in a row.