On Tuesday, Iowa Trump Victory celebrated a big milestone – making its one-millionth voter contact call of the 2020 cycle. 

Trump Victory – the campaign’s boots-on-the-ground field operation – continues to tout its data-driven ground game as a highlight of its overall campaign structure. 

As Republican National Committee Spokesperson Preya Samsundar told Iowa Field Report, the national party has invested more than $350 million into its data and ground game structure – which they claim has given them an unprecedented advantage over the Democrats. But that isn’t the only way Republicans have managed to get a leg up on their counterparts. 

While the Democrats fundraising woes have been documented over the years, the party also highlighted its ability to continue engaging with volunteers and keep the campaign going during the COVID pandemic that saw much of Iowa shut down in spring. 

As reported by Iowa Field Report back in April, Trump Victory transitioned its entire field operation into a virtual operation within 24 hours back in March – contrasting it with the Joe Biden campaign’s admission that it took them four days to set up zoom capabilities so they could begin communicating with the outside world. 

Samsundar notes the transition – and the party’s ability to make record voter contacts so early in the cycle as a testament to the campaign’s commitment to Iowa. “We never left Iowa,” Samsundar said. “We have worked tirelessly over the years to engage with voters and build an army of volunteers who are trained and equipped to share the president’s message with those in their neighborhoods.” 

The campaign’s efforts in Iowa are a stark contrast to that of Joe Biden’s campaign – one that has had no presence in Iowa since it left after the Iowa Caucuses in February. As of Monday, Bloomberg reports that Biden’s campaign had only hired one top staffer in Arizona – with additional announcements of staff hired in Wisconsin and Virginia in recent days. 

With a campaign moving full steam ahead and another that has yet to begin their efforts less than five months out from Election Day, it is no wonder that the Trump Victory campaign is celebrating its latest milestone – yet another sign of how far ahead President Trump’s campaign is in the Cyclone State.