The latest legislative fundraising reports came out this week, displaying yet again the support Iowans are showing for conservative policies in the Capitol. The most explicit display of this approval was the fundraising success of Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver.

Whitver outraised not only Senate Minority Leader Zach Wahls by a stunning 4-1 margin but also outraised all incumbent Senate Democrats reporting in July. Furthermore, Whitver nearly outraised every incumbent Democrat legislator.

The Senate Democrats that are required to report this period (with only 18 members in the minority, isn’t many) were able to raise $175,317.08. House Democrats fared even worse with a shockingly poor cumulative effort of $95,932.36.

By contrast, Whitver raised $261,169.76 in roughly six weeks.


This week’s numbers follow a series of fundraising records for Whitver, again setting Republicans up for success this November. In January, Whitver also outraised all Senate Democrat incumbents. Granted, Democrats do have it tough. They have to defend Biden’s failed policies, explain why inflation is the highest Americans have seen in four decades, why they opposed tax cuts, getting kids in school, and supporting law enforcement.

Democrats continue to wallow in the cesspool that is liberal Twitter, pander to fringe Act Blue donors, and defend a wildly unpopular president. Republicans, on the other hand, are focused on tax relief for hard-working families, creating new career opportunities, and ensuring parents have access to a quality education for their kids. While Republicans will continue pushing this message to Iowans, we can only hope Democrats will continue sticking to their talking points as well and help push Republicans into victory once again on Election Day.

Iowa Democrats stand on the brink of the abyss. Biden’s approval is at 27%, the national party is abandoning them, their candidates fall further and further behind in fundraising, and they are saddled with an unhinged and indefensible base. Iowa Republicans are poised to implement an enduring governing majority in this state.