Ashley Hinson’s congressional campaign launched its data-driven, grassroots field operation with a team of volunteers this past Saturday in Hiawatha, IA. The groups spent the morning knocking on doors in the neighborhood.

“It was so great to be with some of Team Hinson’s best volunteers and knock doors together in Hiawatha today. We heard from folks about the issues that are important to them—the kitchen table issues that President Biden and Speaker Pelosi are ignoring. Iowans know Washington’s spending is out of control and I’ll continue to fight against the reckless policies pushed by Speaker Pelosi. Together we will take back the House in 2022,” exclaimed Hinson on Saturday.

After meeting with volunteers and talking with them about her first few months in Congress, Ashley and her son Max, 10, went door to door to hear about the kitchen table conversations Iowans have with their families every night– the real issues people are facing.

She talked directly with them about her priorities and the work she’s done already to bring a dose of Iowa common sense to Washington. Then, she spoke with a veteran who bravely served our country for 26 years about his fear of the spread of socialism in America. He shared his stories of witnessing socialism in action and asked Rep. Hinson to do everything she could to stop the socialist squad from continuing their radical agenda.

The volunteer turnout at this morning’s event (notably in the summer of the off-year) was worth a double-take. Hinson feels strongly that it was the volunteers, with their passion and dedication, that she was able to flip IA-01 from blue to red in 2020, and they were clearly energized this weekend to help re-elect her in 2022 and help Republicans take back the House. According to press reports, Nancy Pelosi and the DCCC have already put Ashley at the top of their target list. However, Hinson and her team believe but the radical iberal agenda and out-of-state dark money spending groups won’t hold a candle to the energy from Team Hinson’s grassroots volunteers.

Ashley and her team are building are focused on a data-driven re-election campaign. Still, the operation will be clearly fueled by her volunteers’ hard work and the conversations they have directly with voters. The volunteers all used an app to navigate their route, take notes on their conversations and questions voters had, and sign up folks for Ashley’s weekly newsletter. In addition, the Hinson campaign is working hand in hand with the RNC and the Republican Party of Iowa field operation to elect Republicans up and down the ballot. This is an early and aggressive start to a GOP field operation in the state of Iowa.