On Monday morning, Republicans of the Iowa house formally elected their leadership team for the 89th General Assembly.

Rep. Pat Grassley was re-elected to serve as Speaker of the House. Grassley released the following statement to the press Monday afternoon,

“I want to thank the members of the House Republican caucus for continuing to put their trust in me to lead us forward. It is an honor to lead this impressive group of public servants as we work to improve the lives of Iowans,” said Grassley.

As we look towards the 2021 session, House Republicans will continue to govern in the same way that has put us in the Majority for the last decade. Iowans expect strong leadership from their state lawmakers and that’s what we will do. We will continue to bring a thoughtful and conservative approach to the state budget, ease the pressure of our worker shortage by addressing the issues of child care, housing, and broadband, and help Iowans get back to work, school, and normal life in a safe and responsible manner.”

Rep. Matt Windschitl was also re-elected to the role of House Majority Leader.

I am incredibly grateful to the House Republican caucus who have again entrusted me to serve as their Majority Leader. This is an honor that I do not take lightly, and I will continue to fulfill the duties of the office in a way that matches the values of this caucus and Iowans,” said Windschitl.

“While our membership has changed by expanding our majority, the principles held by the House Republican caucus remain the same. We will continue to give the hard-working taxpayers of Iowa a seat at the table, enhance freedoms and liberties, and prioritize the needs of Iowans every way we can. Iowans made a very clear decision on election day with their votes, and it shows that our state motto is what they embrace and hold dear, ‘Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain.’ House Republicans will work tirelessly to fulfill this motto every way we can.”

Additionally, 59 member House Majority caucus re-elected Rep. John Wills for the role of Speaker Pro Tem and Rep. Mike Sexton will serve once again as House Majority Whip.