Yesterday, Speaker of the House Pat Grassley named Wilton Representative Bobby Kaufmann as the Chairman of the Iowa House Ways and Means Committee.

“I am honored to be named chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee,” said Kaufmann. “As the Biden Administration has Iowans struggling to keep up with rising inflation and unprecedented gas prices, the job of ensuring Iowans keep more of their hard-earned paychecks has become all the more important. As Chairman of Ways and Means, I will make it my mission to deliver a tax code that favors everyday Iowans and find additional opportunities to ease the tax burden on Iowans.”

Kaufmann fills the spot left by Representative Lee Hein after he was defeated in the Republican primary in June. Kaufmann has been a member of the Iowa House Ways and Means Committee since 2017 and was the Chair of the Iowa House State Government Committee.

“With [Kaufmann] as a member of the committee, Ways and Means has led on historic tax reforms, lowering income taxes for every single Iowan, eliminating taxes on retirement income, and removing sales tax from a growing list of items,” said Speaker Grassley. “I am confident in Representative Kaufmann’s ability to lead on responsible tax policy that will make sure Iowans keep more of their hard-earned money.”