The never-ending debate of masks continues as Iowa City just announced that they would institute a mask mandate despite being in direct violation of State law. 

Earlier this summer, Governor Kim Reynolds signed a bill banning mask mandates statewide to give Iowan parents a choice whether to send their children to school with masks.

Before the year’s  Iowa Legislature session ended, representatives voted on the particular split education bill, where the Iowa House voted 53-35 in favor of the mask ban, whereas the Senate voted 29-17. 

The bill in question bans Iowa school district leaders from requiring staff and or students to wear masks and bans Iowa counties and cities from imposing masks mandates stricter than the state’s on citizens. 

Following suit with Iowa City, Des Moines Public Schools had also announced a possible mask mandate for kids, even understanding that such a requirement would be against the law.

One can credit the recent uptick of events from Biden’s announcement on Wednesday threatening legal action from the Department of Education for any states involved in prohibiting masks in classrooms.

In Response to Biden, Gov. Reynolds recently slammed the administration for taking power away from states by using federal power to override the state’s authority regarding masks. 

“I’m doing my job,” Reynold said. “He needs to do his job.”