As a former small business owner and a conservative, I was glad to see Senator Chuck Grassley help pass the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act out of the Senate. This bipartisan bill will benefit Iowa communities, create local jobs, and spur economic growth.

This bill is just good policy, which goes beyond political party. That’s something that Iowans appreciate.

Yes, it comes with a hefty price tag that may not appeal to everyone—but these funds represent investments in Iowa communities that will strengthen our physical infrastructure, like our roads and bridges, while also growing critical economic sectors. That includes clean and renewable energy, something Senator Grassley has extensive experience with given his work to grow Iowa wind energy into the force it is today.

Expanding Iowa’s clean energy sector will help us continue to create 21st-century jobs for Iowans while being better stewards of the land we call home. While the infrastructure bill may be pricey, Senator Grassley worked to ensure it would not be paid for by increasing taxes on hard-working Iowans. He deserves credit for representing Iowans in these discussions.

Robert Donaghu of Sioux City