Mailbag: February 24, 2024

Mailbag: February 24, 2024

Empowering Iowa Retirees As retirees, many of us in Iowa have spent a lifetime working hard, saving diligently, and investing wisely to secure our financial futures. Our retirement accounts represent our past efforts and our hopes for a comfortable and secure future...
Mailbag: February 24, 2024

Mailbag: October 13th 2022

There is nothing more valuable to our society than shaping young minds. It’s why I am proud to work in education. As an educator, I see how health impacts a child’s ability to focus in school. And, it’s why I find it is so important to support programs, like Medicaid...
Mailbag: February 24, 2024

Mailbag: June 29th 2022

The SHOP SAFE Act Endangers Iowa’s Small Businesses  Sen. Chuck Grassley’s appointment to the conference committee on USICA/COMPETES is a win for Iowa. He’s a tough negotiator who’s proven to prioritize people over political agendas.  That being said, it’s...
Mailbag: February 24, 2024

Mailbag: Voters Endorse Wheeler

In 2016 when Skyler Wheeler first ran for office, I supported an opponent. I appreciated what Skyler said he stood for but didn’t trust his inexperience and his ability to have real influence to get things done for our District. I expected he might be a...